What is DiZ?
DiZ, an acronym for “Discover information sources Zuyd" is Zuyd Libraries very own search engine with which you can perform an integrated search through the library catalogue and electronic sources, providing comprehensive results to broaden your research and by locating information you might not know exists. This Zuyd Discovery Service has been developed by EBSCO.

Discovery search
DiZ is especially useful to discover the Zuyd Library information resources. You can use DiZ to find an article or a book you already know, but also to find literature about a specific topic or to quickly get inspiration about a topic. If you want to do an extensive literature search, we advise you to use subject specific databases as well: they offer extra options.

It is important to know that not all available Zuyd databases are searched by DiZ: as yet not all publishers allow their journals, books or databases to be indexed. 
Use the option e-sources on the Library Website, for an overview of all e-sources.

Why use DiZ when you can use Google?

A great deal of scientific information is contained in databases which Google cannot access. The reason being that this information must be paid for. Zuyd Library purchases licences from publishers to facilitate access to this information for both its students and staff. Unlike Google, Diz can search the Zuyd information sources exclusively and link you directly through to the full-text document.