Search and find online sources

On this page we give you tips how to search and find online information in an effective way.

Important to note in advance:
If you access sources at home, use the 'home access links' in the Databases A-Z list. With these links, the following icon  is visible. These links are also included in your course's LibGuide.

A few tips:

  • Add Lean Library Access to your browser. Library Access gives you access to information from Zuyd Library's many databases.
  • Use our search engine DiZ = 'Search Information Sources Zuyd', a lot of online material that Zuyd Library licenses is available through DiZ.
  • Use Google Scholar as an alternative to DiZ, but make sure your settings are adjusted so you can see which sources are accessible for Zuyd students and staff. Take a look at the info clip 'full text@Zuyd in Google Scholar'.
  • A LibGuide is an online library guide in which all online sources relevant to a study programme have been put together. In the LibGuides overview choose your study programme's LibGuide.
  • If you are unable to borrow a physical book on location, check a title (or search for a subject) via Google Books. On Google Books, you can read parts of books. 

Regular online sources collection

An overview of the regular online sources available through Zuyd Library can be found in the:

Electronic periodicals and E-books can be searched via the:

Online Information Skills Courses (in Moodle)

Zuyd Library Information Skills Courses are available to all Zuyd students. Every student can enrol via self enrolment.

Also see:

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